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Kate was a staple of the Montreal sketch, improv, and stand up scene before moving to the UK. With the kind of confidence that only exists if you grew up on a goat farm with three older brothers, Kate brings an accessible take on being neurodivergent, queer, and direly anemic.
More sketches, short films, and performances to come!
Media Quotes
“A brilliant, wild force of nature full of silliness and fun”
“Great charisma and dynamism, both physical and verbal”
“Amazing. Hit the stage with such high energy, and kept it throughout whilst also having such an epic gag rate. A masterpiece.”
“I loved the way Kate owned the stage. She’s naturally got it in her, it’s incredible. I just want to hear more. Excellent stuff.”
“I love Kate. Great opening. Very slick, confident, and great command of the space. She can bring us up to 11 and then down with lots of dark and texture. It was wonderful. ”
How Line of Duty Writer Made Glasgow Writer Dreams Come True April 2024, Glasgow Times
“She’s a consummate storyteller whose wit, verve and compassion sings through her writing. It’s inspiring (and humbling!) to mentor someone who already has such clarity of vision. I can’t wait for the world to discover her.” - Vinay Patel
“But most importantly, Hammer wants to make you laugh, especially as we’re living through a global pandemic. Joking is an important way to process what’s going on personally and collectively. That said, it’s important to consider the impact of your jokes. You have to ask yourself, “Where’s this coming from and what’s your point with it?” says Hammer. “So what’s funny about the pandemic? Literally nothing,” Hammer says. “But everything around the pandemic, what’s happening with our actions and reactions, this shift in human behaviour and our needs — that’s hilarious.”
“Kate Hammer Anchors Their Name to Comedy,” February 2020, The Link
“Wherever new thoughts may surface or intertwine, Hammer’s wit and charm as a performer translate into their everyday speech and expression, making them a fearless conversationalist.”
Lesbian Speed Date From Hell. August 2019, Jim Burke
“Hammer, though…kills it as the slinky, explosively mercurial Ashley. There’s a definite touch there of Serial Mom’s Kathleen Turner, though she arguably comes off like Jessica Rabbit.”
“Kate Hammer, Comedy Scenester.” June 2019, CULT MTL
“This is one comedian who’s fully committed to thoughtfulness in comedy — to a consideration of what we’re laughing at and who we’re laughing with — but also to playfulness. It’s easy to see that a longstanding love of performance and laughter keep Hammer excited about what she does.”
“Kate Hammer is a shockingly busy woman.”
The Peers: Review, June 2019, by Molly Barrieau
“Hammer wrote the abbreviated and unabashed piece with such hilarity and originality. Poking fun at Shakespeare’s linear connections between his plays, the piece takes little moments you may have missed in the originals and multiplies their meaning, exaggerating and modernizing aspects of the pieces successfully for the Fringe audience.”
The Peers: Review, June 2019, by Erica Bridgeman
“It took what is often considered pretentious and high art and made it accessible to what would have been Shakespeare’s intended audience today. Not only that, but they injected more culturally relevant meaning into their performance, creating commentary on toxic masculinity and the patriarchy while still keeping the atmosphere light and fun.”
The Drama of Comedy: Quebec Drama Federation
“Performance, of any type, is chasing after truth. We want new ways of exploring our truths, of being human and connecting to others. That’s why Kate Hammer loves mixing storytelling with stand-up because that’s what gets to the root of who she is, in hopefully hilarious ways.”
Spotlight on: Quebec Drama Federation
“Well-thought out and brilliantly executed” - CJLO
”Hilarious and original” - Montreal Theatre Hub
”Kills it...big, bold performance” - Jim Burke
”Fully committed to thoughtfulness in comedy” - Nora Rosenthal
”Most Exhausting Participant” - My 13-y.o. Campmates: upon receiving, I “cried”